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Classify yourself into the group that best describes you:

Family member of a person with developmental disabilities

If you answered "other" in the previous question,  please explain

The HCG weight loss diet plan includes real HCG diet drops which you can check before using with the free test kit, An HCG recipe book is also included to help you eat healthy, drop weight fast and not damage your muscle. The oral hcg diet drops work and will help you lose weight fast and keep it off by resetting your bodies metabolism. YOU MUST GET THE best HCG DIET DROPS! Other products are not as effective. get them by clicking here -

Did you know of the existence of the DD Council before accessing our WEB page?


If you answered yes, how did you know of us?

Consumer in a project funded by a DD grant

Is the information about the DD Council in our WEB page clear?


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What information or other topics would you like to access through our page?

What is HCG and What Makes it so Effective?
HCG has many functions and health benefits and is naturally produced in the body. HCG works by allowing the body to metabolize fat and burn it up as energy. For losing weight, it capitalizes on this mechanism. read more about hcg diet here

If you have been a professional or person with a developmental disabilities participating in one of the projects funded by the DD Council, please answer the following questions.
Impact- Council activities have improved the ability of the individuals with developmental disabilities to
1. make choices and exert control over the services and supports they use

somewhat agree

2. participate in community life


3. Council activities promote self-determination and community participation for individuals with developmental disabilities (satisfaction)

strongly agree

Created at 9/13/2018 12:07 PM by  
Last modified at 9/13/2018 12:07 PM by